Students in grades Kindergarten through 8th attend Weekly Mass and are given opportunities to actively participate in liturgical prayer throughout the school year. They are cantors, readers, and gift carriers. They take part in processions or plays, choir, and leading prayer. Gathering in worship and prayer is integral to the St.Paul of the Cross School experience.
Fostering a sense of family and commitment between the students, older students are paired up with younger students to mentor and share faith with their prayer buddies for the school year.
Putting our faith into action through service to others is an integral element of our campus ministry program. Our students engage in local, national, and international community service projects.
St. Paul of the Cross School students prepare for the Sacraments of Reconciliation and First Holy Communion in second grade and their Confirmation in eighth grade. The second and eighth-grade religion curriculum is centered on their preparation for these sacraments.
We place the highest value on our Catholic beliefs, woven throughout all aspects of our lives at St. Paul of the Cross School. We believe that through an enriched prayer life, an awareness of the needs of others, and a study of our faith, students will grow in their Catholic lives. Our ultimate goal is to develop a moral conscience within each of our children that will help guide them throughout their lives. Morning prayers and intentions begin the students’ day. Once a week, students in Kindergarten through 8th grade attend Mass.
Students plan and participate in weekly themed all-school Masses throughout the school year. Parents and community members are invited to attend these and all prayer services. Our all-school Masses highlight saints, seasons of the Church, Catholic traditions such as the Rosary, Stations of the Cross, and May Crowning, and important issues and concerns of our faith, such as Social Justice and being good stewards of the Earth.
We aim to instill in each student a lifelong commitment to helping others. All our students, from Kindergarten to 8th grade, actively participate in various local, national, and international community service projects. These projects, which vary from year to year, are often aligned with the interests of individual grades, ensuring that each student can contribute in a way that is meaningful to them.
- Daily prayers begin the students’ day.
- PS-8th grade religion classes meet daily.
- K-8th graders celebrate Mass weekly, which students from every grade level help to host.
- 6-8th graders are invited to train as altar servers and confirmed 8th graders are invited to train as Eucharistic Ministers.
- PS-8th grade Prayer Buddies meet six times yearly to delve deeper into faith topics and prepare to work as a team at our annual end-of-the-year celebration, SPC Olympics.
- Students are fully prepared for the sacraments of First Reconciliation, First Holy Communion, and Confirmation.
While our curriculum emphasizes the Roman Catholic faith, students are also taught to understand and respect people of every religious background.