November 21, 2024

Dear SPC Families,

Happy Thanksgiving! I pray you all have a wonderful and blessed Thanksgiving! When we return after the break, we will begin our Advent season. It is so easy for us all to get wrapped up in the commercial Christmas, the lists, the cleaning of the house for guests, the shopping, the wrapping, and the baking that in the frantic pace of the season, we do not slow down and rest in what is supposed to be the quiet darkness before the light of Christ arrives. Jan Richardson wrote, “The season of Advent means there is something on the horizon the likes of which we have never seen before… .What is possible is to not see it, to miss it, to turn just as it brushes past you. And you begin to grasp what it was you missed, like Moses in the cleft of the rock, watching God’s [back] fade in the distance. So stay. Sit. Linger. Tarry. Ponder. Wait. Behold. Wonder. There will be time enough for running. For rushing. For worrying. For pushing. For now, stay. Wait. Something is on the horizon.”  I pray that all of us parents who frantically rush through Advent preparing the magic of Christmas can take the time to prayerfully reflect on the glorious birth of baby Jesus on Christmas Day. 

During Advent at SPC, we will focus on preparing our hearts to welcome baby Jesus. Saint Teresa of Calcutta once posed the question, “At this Christmas when Christ comes, will He find a warm heart? Mark the season of Advent by loving and serving the others with God’s own love and concern.”  To help our children understand that Advent is waiting in anticipation for baby Jesus, we will hold off on all Christmas-related classroom celebrations until the week before school break. While in the past, this practice has sometimes given me the label (in jest) of “a grinch,” I think it is important that, as a Catholic school, we take the opportunity to be counter-cultural in all things Christmas. There will be time for great joy and celebration, but first, we can prepare our hearts in the darkness while we wait for baby Jesus.  I have included some resources below to help you honor Advent in your home during the season. 


In this Thursday Mailing: 

  • Announcing the SPC Legacy Award
  • Trimester 1 Report Cards
  • Adopt-A-Family-donations needed
  • Christmas Concert Grades PS-3-Save the Date!
  • Christmas Care Bag Project-National Junior Honor Society partners with the St. Catherine of Siena Guild
  • 24-25 Family Mass Schedule (please see below for additional dates for Family Mass hosted by Religious Education) 

SPC Legacy Award
We are thrilled to announce that we have established The St. Paul of the Cross School Legacy Award. This award will be given to a current or past St. Paul of the Cross community member who has made a positive impact on our school community and has made significant contributions to our community and whose accomplishments, affiliations, and careers have honored the mission and values of St. Paul of the Cross School. 

We will present the inaugural SPC Legacy Award at Celebrating the Spirit on February 7, 2025.

Who Is Eligible?
Any person who has been a St. Paul of the Cross Community member.

Who Can Nominate?
Any SPC community member (past or present) 

Due Date
January 6, 2025

SPC Legacy Award Nomination Form

Trimester 1 Report Cards:
Report Cards will be sent home on December 6th via email.

Adopt A Family Donations:
SPC has a long-standing tradition of partnering with the parish social service ministry to ensure that needy families in our community have a wonderful Christmas. The Adopt-A-Family program will collect funds and purchase gift cards so families can buy their own gifts. Given the timeline, we ask that funds be collected by December 12, 2024. These funds benefit the families who are recipients of the St Paul of the Cross parish Food Pantry. 

Please consider donating to the Adopt-A-Family program so our school can continue this beloved Advent tradition.

100% of these proceeds will go towards the Adopt-A-Family program in Social Service Ministry. CLICK HERE TO MAKE A DONATION

WHEN: December 19th, 10:00-11:00 am (doors open at 9:45)
WHERE: Church

CHRISTMAS CARE BAG Project Sponsored by St. Catherine of Siena Guild
We are pleased to offer our parishioners the opportunity to help the homeless and less fortunate in the Chicagoland area this Christmas by giving them CARE BAGS filled with warm clothing items. 

The SPC National Junior Honor Society is happy to assist with this project. We are distributing one bag to each student that they can fill with the requested items and bring back to school on either DECEMBER 3rd or DECEMBER 10th
The guild is requesting the following items for donation:

  • One (1) 2.5-gallon plastic bag containing the following gender-neutral items (PLEASE ONLY PROVIDE NEW ITEMS)
  • Hat
  • Gloves
  • Scarf
  • Warm Tube Socks
  • One Christmas Card signed “St. Paul of the Cross Church.”

*We will distribute free 2.5-gallon plastic bags to students on November 18th. 
NJHS will collect items during lunch on the following dates.
Please only send bags on either of these two days in order to reduce bags sitting in classrooms: Tuesday, December 3rd or Tuesday, December 10th.

Additional dates will be open for drop-off for parishioners outside of school hours. Please check with the guild for this information. 

2024-2025 Family Masses: Save The Dates
This year, the school will be hosting family Masses at 10:30 in the Holy Family Chapel, and it will be an excellent opportunity for our school community to pray together! Our students will be reading and serving as ushers, and our alumni will return to be Eucharistic ministers. 

  • December 15th: All 4-8th grade (and Bitty Basketball) Winter Athletes will pray together. Winter Athletes will wear their fall sports jerseys!
  • January 19th: 3rd and 4th Grade
  • February 23: 1st and 2nd Grade
  • March 16th: All 4-8th grade Spring Athletes will pray together. Spring Athletes will wear their fall sports jerseys!
  • May 25th: Preschool & Kindergarten

While the school hosts the above Family Masses, Religious Education hosts Family Masses on the following Sundays at 10:30, and school families are always invited!
December 8
January 12
February 2
March 9
May 11


Dr. Erika Mickelburgh

Save the Date! Celebrating the Spirit 2025!

The next Home and School Association Meeting will take place at 8am in the Holy Family Chapel on Friday, December 6th. We hope to see you there! If you cannot attend in person, please use this link to join virtually. 

It’s Almost Time! The Scholastic Book Fair is coming soon, YAY! Choosing their own books empowers kids and inspires them to become Bolder, Prouder, and Stronger Readers. AND—as always—every book they buy earns rewards for our school.   
Friday, Dec.6th from 3:00 – 4:00.
Sunday, Dec. 8th from 10:00 – 12:30.
Monday, Dec. 9th from 3:00 – 4:00.

It’s not too late to volunteer.  Click here to sign up for a volunteer slot!
Please click here to download all the details and information.

Mrs. Sue Dohr
St. Paul of the Cross’s Book Fair Chair
[email protected]


Download the newsletter here.

From the Parish

We have an active and vibrant parish and encourage everyone to read the weekly bulletins for Fr. James’ weekly letter and stay informed about all upcoming events and programs. 

Please click here for the latest bulletin. 
Please click here for Fr. James’ “The Daily” – Daily Mass Readings and Reflections

Christmas Care Bag Project
Help the St. Catherine of Sienna guild with its annual Christmas Care Bag Project (formerly the shoebox project). 
Bring the following gender-neutral items to the meeting (We’ll supply the bags and drop them off for you.)

  • Winter hat
  • Gloves
  • Scarf
  • Warm tube socks
  • One Christmas card signed from “St. Paul of the Cross Church”

Questions? Email us at [email protected].

Apostolate of Women’s Annual St. Nick’s Party December 8th!
Download the flyer for details.

From the Community

From our Catholic High Schools

St. Patrick High School

Notre Dame


November 14, 2024

Dear SPC Families,

Tomorrow, we are excited to host a sold-out, packed gym for Trivia Night 2024, where all proceeds benefit our Endowment fund! I look forward to seeing all the creative themes and celebrating our future by building the endowment!

This week, we hosted our annual Cyber Safety programming for 5th and 6th grades.  As part of this programming, we also host a Cyber Safety Parent Presentation on Wednesday, November 20th at 7:30 pm. This workshop details the necessary precautions and strategies for ensuring our children are safe when utilizing technology. Please RSVP below; I look forward to seeing you at the presentation.

This Sunday, the 5th and 6th grade students will host Family Mass at 10:30 in the Holy Family Chapel!

In This Thursday Mailing

  • Cyber Safety Parent Night–earn an out-of-uniform pass for your child if you attend!
  • Christmas Care Bag Project-National Junior Honor Society partners with the St. Catherine of Siena Guild
  • Christmas Clubs
  • 24-25 Family Mass Schedule (please see below for additional dates for Family Mass hosted by Religious Education) 

On Wednesday, we will host a Cyber Safety Parent Presentation. If your child utilizes technology, you are strongly encouraged to attend this session. The world of cyber safety is ever-changing, and it is our goal that by providing this workshop to families, we all work together to keep our children safe in a technological world!

This is a friendly reminder to RSVP to the Cybersafety & Digital Citizenship Parent Presentation on Wednesday, 11/20/24, at 7:30 pm. The presentation will take place in the Church. Your child will receive an out-of-uniform pass if you attend.

CHRISTMAS CARE BAG Project Sponsored by St. Catherine of Siena Guild
We are pleased to offer our parishioners the opportunity to help the homeless and less fortunate in the Chicagoland area this Christmas by giving them CARE BAGS filled with warm clothing items. 

The SPC National Junior Honor Society is happy to assist with this project. We are distributing one bag to each student that they can fill with the requested items and bring back to school on either DECEMBER 3rd or DECEMBER 10th
The guild is requesting the following items for donation:

  • One (1) 2.5-gallon plastic bag containing the following gender-neutral items (PLEASE ONLY PROVIDE NEW ITEMS)
  • Hat
  • Gloves
  • Scarf
  • Warm Tube Socks
  • One Christmas Card signed “St. Paul of the Cross Church.”

*We will distribute free 2.5-gallon plastic bags to students on November 18th. 
NJHS will collect items during lunch on the following dates.
Please only send bags on either of these two days in order to reduce bags sitting in classrooms: Tuesday, December 3rd or Tuesday, December 10th.

Additional dates will be open for drop-off for parishioners outside of school hours. Please check with the guild for this information. 

Christmas Clubs 2024 – Taught by our very own SPC Staff!
Registration: Closes TOMORROW, Friday, Nov. 15th at Midnight. 
CLICK HERE TO REGISTER (opened 11/8 at 8:00am)

It’s that time again…Christmas Club sign up!  Check out these great after school activities that take place at SPC! Our creative staff has curated some unique and full-filled after school Christmas themed Clubs.  We also have a great list of Winter Clubs that will start in January.   

  • Christmas Clubs begin the week of December 2nd.  Christmas clubs are offered for three weeks before break (Dec. 2 – Dec. 19).  Drama Club and Future City are offered during December and after, please sign up now if interested.  
  • Winter Clubs begin after break in January. We will have registration in early December for Winter clubs. They will run for ten weeks following break (Jan. 13 – Mar 20). Look for that sign up at the beginning of December.

Once you have submitted the registration form and payment, changes cannot be made and refunds will not be issued. Please make note on your calendar of any club you sign up for and the dates the club is in session. 

2024-2025 Family Masses: Save The Dates
This year, the school will be hosting family Masses at 10:30 in the Holy Family Chapel, and it will be an excellent opportunity for our school community to pray together! Our students will be reading and serving as ushers, and our alumni will return to be Eucharistic ministers. 

  • November 17th: 5th and 6th Grade
  • December 15th: All 4-8th grade (and Bitty Basketball) Winter Athletes will pray together. Winter Athletes will wear their fall sports jerseys!
  • January 19th: 3rd and 4th Grade
  • February 23: 1st and 2nd Grade
  • March 16th: All 4-8th grade Spring Athletes will pray together. Spring Athletes will wear their fall sports jerseys!
  • May 25th: Preschool & Kindergarten

While the school hosts the above Family Masses, Religious Education hosts Family Masses on the following Sundays at 10:30, and school families are always invited!
December 8
January 12
February 2
March 9
May 11


Dr. Erika Mickelburgh

Save the Date! Celebrating the Spirit 2025!

Save these dates for the Book Fair:  
Thursday, December 5th through Tuesday, December 10th.
Please click here to download the flyer and details about the upcoming book fair!


Please click above to download the volleyball registration information and links.

Download the newsletter here.

Upcoming After-School Activities

Chess Ed Winter Session Begins November 19th. Early bird pricing through TODAY, November 14th.
Click here to register and for more details.

Smiling Strings Winter Session Begins November 19th. We are accepting new violin students.
Please download the flyer here.

Ballet with Miss Rio Winter Sign-up!
Please download the flyer with registration links and details here.

From the Parish

We have an active and vibrant parish and encourage everyone to read the weekly bulletins for Fr. James’ weekly letter and stay informed about all upcoming events and programs. 

Please click here for the latest bulletin. 
Please click here for Fr. James’ “The Daily” – Daily Mass Readings and Reflections

All women of the parish are invited to join the AOW/SPC Women’s Group at our November meet up!
Date: Monday, November 18, 2024
Time: 7 p.m. 
Location: Holy Family Chapel

This month, we’ve planned something fun and different while we enjoy fellowship, wine, other refreshments and snacks.
Card writing
Bring your cards – any cards (thank you notes, birthday cards, Christmas cards) – and work on them alongside new and old friends. 

Christmas Care Bag Project
Help the St. Catherine of Sienna guild with its annual Christmas Care Bag Project (formerly the shoebox project). 
Bring the following gender-neutral items to the meeting (We’ll supply the bags and drop them off for you.)

  • Winter hat
  • Gloves
  • Scarf
  • Warm tube socks
  • One Christmas card signed from “St. Paul of the Cross Church”

Questions? Email us at [email protected].

Apostolate of Women’s Annual St. Nick’s Party December 8th!
Download the flyer for details.

From the Community

From our Catholic High Schools

Notre Dame


November 7, 2024

Dear SPC Families,

We were honored to celebrate and pray with our First Responder families this week! Thank you to all who attended; for those first responders unable to join us,  you were with us in prayer and thanksgiving for your service!

Next week, we welcome back Liz Repking of Cyber Safety Consulting, who will present to our 5th and 6th graders on issues related to cyber awareness and safety.

In This Thursday Mailing

  • Christmas Clubs
  • Baby Bottles Thank You!
  • Trivia Night
  • 24-25 Family Mass Schedule (please see below for additional dates for Family Mass hosted by Religious Education) 

Christmas Clubs 2024 – Taught by our very own SPC Staff!

Registration: Opens Tomorrow, Friday, Nov. 8th and closes Friday, Nov. 15th at Midnight. 
CLICK HERE TO REGISTER (opens 11/8 at 8:00am)

It’s that time again…Christmas Club sign up!  Check out these great after school activities that take place at SPC! Our creative staff has curated some unique and full-filled after school Christmas themed Clubs.  We also have a great list of Winter Clubs that will start in January.   

  • Christmas Clubs begin the week of December 2nd.  Christmas clubs are offered for three weeks before break (Dec. 2 – Dec. 19).  Drama Club and Future City are offered during December and after, please sign up now if interested.  
  • Winter Clubs begin after break in January. We will have registration in early December for Winter clubs. They will run for ten weeks following break (Jan. 13 – Mar 20). Look for that sign up at the beginning of December.

Once you have submitted the registration form and payment, changes cannot be made and refunds will not be issued. Please make note on your calendar of any club you sign up for and the dates the club is in session. 

Baby Bottles
Thank you to everyone who participated in our annual baby bottle project for the women’s center!!!  They have been collected and are on their way to helping mothers and children!

Trivia Night Next Friday, November 15th
We are excited for this fun annual event put on by our Parish Educational Endowment Fund Committee. Tables are completely sold out, and unfortunately, we cannot take any more registrations for this event.

2024-2025 Family Masses: Save The Dates
This year, the school will be hosting family Masses at 10:30 in the Holy Family Chapel, and it will be an excellent opportunity for our school community to pray together! Our students will be reading and serving as ushers, and our alumni will return to be Eucharistic ministers. 

  • November 17th: 5th and 6th Grade
  • December 15th: All 4-8th grade (and Bitty Basketball) Winter Athletes will pray together. Winter Athletes will wear their fall sports jerseys!
  • January 19th: 3rd and 4th Grade
  • February 23: 1st and 2nd Grade
  • March 16th: All 4-8th grade Spring Athletes will pray together. Spring Athletes will wear their fall sports jerseys!
  • May 25th: Preschool & Kindergarten

While the school hosts the above Family Masses, Religious Education hosts Family Masses on the following Sundays at 10:30, and school families are always invited!
November 10
December 8
January 12
February 2
March 9
May 11


Dr. Erika Mickelburgh

Save the Date! Celebrating the Spirit 2025!


Please click above to download the volleyball registration information and links.

Download the newsletter here.

Upcoming After-School Activities

Ballet with Miss Rio Winter Sign-up!
Please download the flyer with registration links and details here.

From the Parish

We have an active and vibrant parish and encourage everyone to read the weekly bulletins for Fr. James’ weekly letter and stay informed about all upcoming events and programs. 

Please click here for the latest bulletin. 
Please click here for Fr. James’ “The Daily” – Daily Mass Readings and Reflections

Apostolate of Women’s Annual St. Nick’s Party December 8th!
Download the flyer for details.

From the Community

From our Catholic High Schools

Saint Patrick High School

Notre Dame


October 31, 2024

Dear SPC Families,

Happy Halloween! I hope everyone enjoys a safe and fun-filled night of trick-or-treating! Please remember that tomorrow there is no school as the faculty and staff will be on their Faculty Retreat. Please keep us all in your prayers as they spend the day in prayer and reflection. Mass times for the Solemnity of All Saints are 6:25, 8:30, 12:00 pm, and 7:00 pm.

This coming Tuesday, we are excited to hold our 2nd Annual First Responders Mass. Please see below if you have not had the chance to RSVP yet. Those who have RSVP’d, please look for an email from me on Monday with specific details.

In This Thursday Mailing

  • Trees and Playground
  • Baby Bottles
  • Trivia Night! Limited Number of Tables Left
  • SAVE THE DATE: First Responder Mass November 5th! RSVP Below
  • 24-25 Family Mass Schedule (please see below for additional dates for Family Mass hosted by Religious Education) 

Trees and Playground

We are very blessed to have a beautiful campus surrounded by trees. We are also fortunate to have a playground. Please keep your climbing limited to the playground and do not climb on the trees.

Important Reminders and Upcoming Events

Baby Bottles–Due Back to School On November 6th!
Thank you to the SPC Life Team, who works with the parish on the Baby Bottle Project on behalf of The Women’s Center during Respect Life Month. The Women’s Center helps women in crisis pregnancies.

For many women, pregnancy is a time of joy. For others, this can be a time of distress and loneliness. They have little or no support, and they don’t know how they will be able to care for their babies. They don’t know what to do or where to turn.The Women’s Center offers these mothers compassion and guidance, directing them to the appropriate social service agencies for housing, financial support, and medical care. If they choose to place their baby up for adoption, they are helped through that process. If they choose to keep their babies, they are provided with material assistance through the first five years of their child’s life. That assistance includes diapers, formula, clothing, and baby equipment. Everything offered to these women is free of charge.

In order to provide all of these valuable services, The Women’s Center needs you. Please consider placing your baby bottle in a visible and prominent area of your home. Explain to your child that many babies need help to receive the basic necessities that we take for granted. Let your child know that their donation of spare change makes a difference and provides the help needed to welcome a baby into our world. You may want to say a prayer with your child each day, thanking God for the miraculous gift of new life and asking Him to help us uphold the dignity of every human being.

For those hoping to attend Trivia Night but have not yet purchased your tables, don’t delay as we have a limited number of tables left. This is an incredibly fun night you won’t want to miss. See details and the registration link below.

SAVE THE DATE: First Responder Mass-November 5th
We invite all our St Paul of the Cross parents (of students in grades K-8) who are doctors, nurses, police officers, firefighters, paramedics, EMTs, and other emergency professionals to attend this special Mass on November 5th at 10:00 am. We ask that you come in uniform and arrive around 9:40. You will line up in the gym and process in with your children. We hope you can join us in thanksgiving for their service and pray for their safety. Students in grades K-8 will attend the Mass with their first responder parents. Please RSVP here.

2024-2025 Family Masses: Save The Dates
This year, the school will be hosting family Masses at 10:30 in the Holy Family Chapel, and it will be an excellent opportunity for our school community to pray together! Our students will be reading and serving as ushers, and our alumni will return to be Eucharistic ministers. 

  • October 20th: 7th and 8th Grade
  • November 17th: 5th and 6th Grade
  • December 15th: All 4-8th grade (and Bitty Basketball) Winter Athletes will pray together. Winter Athletes will wear their fall sports jerseys!
  • January 19th: 3rd and 4th Grade
  • February 23: 1st and 2nd Grade
  • March 16th: All 4-8th grade Spring Athletes will pray together. Spring Athletes will wear their fall sports jerseys!
  • May 25th: Preschool & Kindergarten

While the school hosts the above Family Masses, Religious Education hosts Family Masses on the following Sundays at 10:30, and school families are always invited!
November 10
December 8
January 12
February 2
March 9
May 11


Dr. Erika Mickelburgh

Check out some of the great photos from last year’s Trivia Night!

Several parents have expressed interest in getting connected to other parents who would like to create a team to participate in Trivia Night. If you are interested, please complete the form below by 11/1.

Hello Families!
Join me in earning cash for SPC by using the Box Tops app. It’s an easy way to make a difference. All you have to do is buy Box Tops participating products (like Cheerios!) and scan your grocery receipt. Box Tops are worth $.10 each and they add up fast!

Use this referral code G9UN9LNZ when you sign up and you’ll get 50 Bonus Box Tops when you scan your first receipt now through TODAY, 10/31/2024! Download the Box Tops for Education app here:

Please reach out to me with any questions at [email protected].
Thank you for your participation!

Carrie Jackiewicz
Box Top Chair


Please click above to download the volleyball registration information and links.

Please click on the newsletter above to download the full newsletter pdf.

Bitty Basketball! Calling all Girls and Boys in Grades KDG-3rd

The season runs January 11th-February 15th.

Please click here to download the details and registration link.

From the Parish

We have an active and vibrant parish and encourage everyone to read the weekly bulletins for Fr. James’ weekly letter and stay informed about all upcoming events and programs. 

Please click here for the latest bulletin. 
Please click here for Fr. James’ “The Daily” – Daily Mass Readings and Reflections

Apollo Chorus Concert – This Sunday, November 3, at 3:00 pm in the Upper Church 

St. Paul of the Cross is honored to host a special concert performed by the Apollo Chorus of Chicago. The concert will feature a wide variety of choral music, including selections from Händel’s Messiah, Brahms’ German Requiem, Poulenc’s Gloria, and varied selections from their spring program called “From the Earth to the Stars!” 
You do not want to miss this FREE concert, so mark your calendars now! 

From the Community

From our Catholic High Schools

Saint Patrick High School

Loyola Academy

October 24, 2024

Dear SPC Families,

Twas the night before Fun Fair! A special shout out and thank you to all the volunteers and the Fun Run Chairs, Mrs. Erin Greene and Mrs. Eileen Finlay, for all their hard work planning the much-beloved tradition of Fun Fair! It takes a small army and many hours of planning to create the event, and I know we are grateful for their time and energy in building upon the 50+ year tradition!  Even my own children reminisce that Fun Fair was always one of the best days at SPC!

This is a reminder that next Friday we do not have school because it is a teacher professional development day. On Halloween, students may come out of uniform and wear orange, black, or purple (or a combination of all three!).

In This Thursday Mailing

  • Fun Fair -October 25th
  • Baby Bottles
  • Trivia Night! 
  • SAVE THE DATE: First Responder Mass November 5th! RSVP Below
  • 24-25 Family Mass Schedule (please see below for additional dates for Family Mass hosted by Religious Education) 

FUN FAIR October 25th

Please see below for information regarding Fun Fair 2024 from home and school! Please note the following when planning your child’s Halloween costumes for school:

Candy at Fun Fair
New this year: Teal Pumpkins. At each Fun Fair game, there will be a teal bucket with allergy-free candy. If your child has food allergies, please remind them to pick the candy from the teal bucket. The Home and School Wellness Committee assisted in the safe candy sorting for the teal buckets. 

No candy from Fun Fair is eaten in the classroom. It is put in the backpacks to be sent home so parents can monitor the candy consumption.

Halloween Costume Guidelines
As you prepare for students to wear Halloween costumes to school on October 25th, please be mindful of the following:

  • School rules regarding dress code must be followed: No short skirts/shorts/tutus, no bare midriffs, no bare shoulders, or low necklines. 
  • Nothing that promotes the use of illegal substances or activities or is derogatory, disrespectful, or depicts violence. 
  • Hats & hoods may be worn as part of the costume on this day only. ALL costume preparations are to be completed at home. (No dressing or applying of make-up or colored hairspray once students arrive at school).  
  • No masks or weapons (nun chucks/sickles/swords/knives/guns, etc).  
  • Students or parents who have questions about the acceptability of their costumes should check with their homeroom teacher before wearing the costumes to school. 
  • Students wearing inappropriate costumes will need to call home to have a change of clothes brought up to them. 
  • PARENTS: Please help support an appropriate, distraction-free learning environment for all students by assuring that your students adhere to these guidelines. 

Important Reminders and Upcoming Events

Baby Bottles–Due Back to School On November 6th!
Thank you to the SPC Life Team, who works with the parish on the Baby Bottle Project on behalf of The Women’s Center during Respect Life Month. The Women’s Center helps women in crisis pregnancies.

For many women, pregnancy is a time of joy. For others, this can be a time of distress and loneliness. They have little or no support, and they don’t know how they will be able to care for their babies. They don’t know what to do or where to turn.The Women’s Center offers these mothers compassion and guidance, directing them to the appropriate social service agencies for housing, financial support, and medical care. If they choose to place their baby up for adoption, they are helped through that process. If they choose to keep their babies, they are provided with material assistance through the first five years of their child’s life. That assistance includes diapers, formula, clothing, and baby equipment. Everything offered to these women is free of charge.

In order to provide all of these valuable services, The Women’s Center needs you. Please consider placing your baby bottle in a visible and prominent area of your home. Explain to your child that many babies need help to receive the basic necessities that we take for granted. Let your child know that their donation of spare change makes a difference and provides the help needed to welcome a baby into our world. You may want to say a prayer with your child each day, thanking God for the miraculous gift of new life and asking Him to help us uphold the dignity of every human being.

What a great turnout for Trivia Night so far! This is an incredibly fun night you won’t want to miss. See details and the registration link below.

SAVE THE DATE: First Responder Mass-November 5th
We invite all our St Paul of the Cross parents (of students in grades K-8) who are doctors, nurses, police officers, firefighters, paramedics, EMTs, and other emergency professionals to attend this special Mass on November 5th at 10:00 am. We ask that you come in uniform and arrive around 9:40. You will line up in the gym and process in with your children. We hope you can join us in thanksgiving for their service and pray for their safety. Students in grades K-8 will attend the Mass with their first responder parents. Please RSVP here.

2024-2025 Family Masses: Save The Dates
This year, the school will be hosting family Masses at 10:30 in the Holy Family Chapel, and it will be an excellent opportunity for our school community to pray together! Our students will be reading and serving as ushers, and our alumni will return to be Eucharistic ministers. 

  • October 20th: 7th and 8th Grade
  • November 17th: 5th and 6th Grade
  • December 15th: All 4-8th grade (and Bitty Basketball) Winter Athletes will pray together. Winter Athletes will wear their fall sports jerseys!
  • January 19th: 3rd and 4th Grade
  • February 23: 1st and 2nd Grade
  • March 16th: All 4-8th grade Spring Athletes will pray together. Spring Athletes will wear their fall sports jerseys!
  • May 25th: Preschool & Kindergarten

While the school hosts the above Family Masses, Religious Education hosts Family Masses on the following Sundays at 10:30, and school families are always invited!
November 10
December 8
January 12
February 2
March 9
May 11


Dr. Erika Mickelburgh

Check out some of the great photos from last year’s Trivia Night!

Several parents have expressed interest in getting connected to other parents who would like to create a team to participate in Trivia Night. If you are interested, please complete the form below by 11/1.

Fun Fair
Fun Fair will take place Friday, October 25th. A volunteer sign up went out last week. Please save the date if you’d like to volunteer. We ask that anyone who signs up to volunteer commits to the shift and time.

Hello Families!
Join me in earning cash for SPC by using the Box Tops app. It’s an easy way to make a difference. All you have to do is buy Box Tops participating products (like Cheerios!) and scan your grocery receipt. Box Tops are worth $.10 each and they add up fast!

Use this referral code G9UN9LNZ when you sign up and you’ll get 50 Bonus Box Tops when you scan your first receipt now through 10/31/2024! Download the Box Tops for Education app here:

Please reach out to me with any questions at [email protected].
Thank you for your participation!

Carrie Jackiewicz
Box Top Chair


Bitty Basketball! Calling all Girls and Boys in Grades KDG-3rd

The season runs January 11th-February 15th.

Registration opens October 2nd. Please click here to download the details and registradtion link.

From the Parish

We have an active and vibrant parish and encourage everyone to read the weekly bulletins for Fr. James’ weekly letter and stay informed about all upcoming events and programs. 

Please click here for the latest bulletin. 
Please click here for Fr. James’ “The Daily” – Daily Mass Readings and Reflections

Apollo Chorus Concert – Sunday, November 3, at 3:00 pm in the Upper Church 

St. Paul of the Cross is honored to host a special concert performed by the Apollo Chorus of Chicago. The concert will feature a wide variety of choral music, including selections from Händel’s Messiah, Brahms’ German Requiem, Poulenc’s Gloria, and varied selections from their spring program called “From the Earth to the Stars!” 
You do not want to miss this FREE concert, so mark your calendars now! 

From the Community

From our Catholic High Schools

Notre Dame Open HouseTonight Thursday, October 24th
2 Sessions – 5:30-7 & 7-8:30

Saint Patrick High School

Regina Open House Flyer Here.

Loyola Academy

October 17, 2024

Dear Families,

I hope you are all enjoying the Fall weather! Next week, we look forward to our Fun Fair! Please see below for information on costumes, and note the emails sent from Home and School about volunteering and candy drop-off. 

In this Thursday Mailing:

  • Fun Fair -October 25th
  • Trivia Night! 
  • SAVE THE DATE: First Responder Mass November 5th! RSVP Below
  • 24-25 Family Mass Schedule (please see below for additional dates for Family Mass hosted by Religious Education) 

FUN FAIR October 25th:
Please see below for information regarding Fun Fair 2024 from Home and School! Please note the following when planning your child’s Halloween costumes for school:

As you prepare for students to wear Halloween costumes to school on October 25th, please be mindful of the following:

  • School rules regarding dress code must be followed: No short skirts/shorts/tutus, no bare midriffs, no bare shoulders, or low necklines. 
  • Nothing that promotes the use of illegal substances or activities or is derogatory, disrespectful, or depicts violence. 
  • Hats & hoods may be worn as part of the costume on this day only. ALL costume preparations are to be completed at home. (No dressing or applying of make-up or colored hairspray once students arrive at school).  
  • No masks or weapons (nun chucks/sickles/swords/knives/guns, etc).  
  • Students or parents who have questions about the acceptability of their costumes should check with their homeroom teacher before wearing the costumes to school. 
  • Students wearing inappropriate costumes will need to call home to have a change of clothes brought up to them. 
  • PARENTS: Please help support an appropriate, distraction-free learning environment for all students by assuring that your students adhere to these guidelines. 

Start organizing your tables and schedule your babysitters! Trivia Night is around the corner. This is an incredibly fun night you won’t want to miss. See details and the registration link below and start planning!

SAVE THE DATE: First Responder Mass-November 5th
We invite all our St Paul of the Cross parents (of students in grades K-8) who are doctors, nurses, police officers, firefighters, paramedics, EMTs, and other emergency professionals to attend this special Mass on November 5th at 10:00 am. We ask that you come in uniform and arrive around 9:40. You will line up in the gym and process in with your children. We hope you can join us in thanksgiving for their service and pray for their safety. Students in grades K-8 will attend the Mass with their first responder parents. Please RSVP here.

2024-2025 Family Masses: Save The Dates
This year, the school will be hosting family Masses at 10:30 in the Holy Family Chapel, and it will be an excellent opportunity for our school community to pray together! Our students will be reading and serving as ushers, and our alumni will return to be Eucharistic ministers. 

  • October 20th: 7th and 8th Grade
  • November 17th: 5th and 6th Grade
  • December 15th: All 4-8th grade (and Bitty Basketball) Winter Athletes will pray together. Winter Athletes will wear their fall sports jerseys!
  • January 19th: 3rd and 4th Grade
  • February 23: 1st and 2nd Grade
  • March 16th: All 4-8th grade Spring Athletes will pray together. Spring Athletes will wear their fall sports jerseys!
  • May 25th: Preschool & Kindergarten

While the school hosts the above Family Masses, Religious Education hosts Family Masses on the following Sundays at 10:30, and school families are always invited!
November 10
December 8
January 12
February 2
March 9
May 11


Dr. Erika Mickelburgh

Check out some of the great photos from last year’s Trivia Night!

Fun Fair
Fun Fair will take place Friday, October 25th. A volunteer sign up went out last week. Please save the date if you’d like to volunteer. We ask that anyone who signs up to volunteer commits to the shift and time.

Hello Families!
Join me in earning cash for SPC by using the Box Tops app. It’s an easy way to make a difference. All you have to do is buy Box Tops participating products (like Cheerios!) and scan your grocery receipt. Box Tops are worth $.10 each and they add up fast!

Use this referral code G9UN9LNZ when you sign up and you’ll get 50 Bonus Box Tops when you scan your first receipt now through 10/31/2024! Download the Box Tops for Education app here:

Please reach out to me with any questions at [email protected].
Thank you for your participation!

Carrie Jackiewicz
Box Top Chair


Kicks for a Cure Pink Game on Sunday, October 20!!
Download the pdf version here.

Click on the newsletter to download.

Bitty Basketball! Calling all Girls and Boys in Grades KDG-3rd

The season runs January 11th-February 15th.

Registration opens October 2nd. Please click here to download the details and registradtion link.

From the Parish

We have an active and vibrant parish and encourage everyone to read the weekly bulletins for Fr. James’ weekly letter and stay informed about all upcoming events and programs. 

Please click here for the latest bulletin. 
Please click here for Fr. James’ “The Daily” – Daily Mass Readings and Reflections

Do you sometimes feel stressed and constantly managing chaos? Could you use tips on how to manage it all (especially during the upcoming holiday season)? If you said “Yes!” to either, please join the SPC Women’s Group at our next monthly meet-up on Monday, October 21 in the Holy Family Chapel.

Our featured speaker, Daniela Romano, Director of Youth Ministry from Mary Seat of Wisdom, will share her valuable insights on how to remember the true meaning of the holidays, manage stress and chaos, and incorporate spirituality into daily life.

We look forward to seeing you there!
7pm – doors open, munchies & mingling
7:30pm – meeting begins
8pm – featured speaker

Apollo Chorus Concert – Sunday, November 3, at 3:00 pm in the Upper Church 

St. Paul of the Cross is honored to host a special concert performed by the Apollo Chorus of Chicago. The concert will feature a wide variety of choral music, including selections from Händel’s Messiah, Brahms’ German Requiem, Poulenc’s Gloria, and varied selections from their spring program called “From the Earth to the Stars!” 
You do not want to miss this FREE concert, so mark your calendars now! 

From the Community

From our Catholic High Schools

Saint Patrick High School

Regina Open House Flyer Here.

Loyola Academy

Fenwick High School

Notre Dame

Notre Dame Open HouseThursday, October 24th
2 Sessions – 5:30-7 & 7-8:30

October 10, 2024

Dear SPC Families,

Happy four-day weekend! I hope you all enjoyed parent-teacher conferences; I know that our teachers look forward to having conversations about your child’s progress! 

In this Thursday Mailing:

  • Shorts?
  • Fun Fair -October 25th
  • Save the Date Trivia Night! Friday, November 15th
  • SAVE THE DATE: First Responder Mass November 5th
  • 24-25 Family Mass Schedule

The last day students can wear shorts will be Tuesday, October 15th. 

FUN FAIR October 25th:
Please see below for information regarding Fun Fair 2024 from Home and School! Please note the following when planning your child’s Halloween costumes for school:

As you prepare for students to wear Halloween costumes to school on October 25th, please be mindful of the following:

  • School rules regarding dress code must be followed: No short skirts/shorts/tutus, no bare midriffs, no bare shoulders, or low necklines. 
  • Nothing that promotes the use of illegal substances or activities or is derogatory, disrespectful, or depicts violence. 
  • Hats & hoods may be worn as part of the costume on this day only. ALL costume preparations are to be completed at home. (No dressing or applying of make-up or colored hairspray once students arrive at school).  
  • No masks or weapons (nun chucks/sickles/swords/knives/guns, etc).  
  • Students or parents who have questions about the acceptability of their costumes should check with their homeroom teacher before wearing the costumes to school. 
  • Students wearing inappropriate costumes will need to call home to have a change of clothes brought up to them. 
  • PARENTS: Please help support an appropriate, distraction-free learning environment for all students by assuring that your students adhere to these guidelines. 

Start organizing your tables and schedule your babysitters! Trivia Night is around the corner. The Endowment committee will be sending out the registration link next week. This is an incredibly fun night you won’t want to miss. See details below and start planning!

SAVE THE DATE: First Responder Mass-November 5th
We invite all our St Paul of the Cross parents (of students in grades K-8) who are doctors, nurses, police officers, firefighters, paramedics, EMTs, and other emergency professionals to attend this special Mass on November 5th at 10:00 am. We ask that you come in uniform and arrive around 9:40. You will line up in the gym and process in with your children. We hope you can join us in thanksgiving for their service and pray for their safety. Students in grades K-8 will attend the Mass with their first responder parents. We will send an RSVP closer to the date!

2024-2025 Family Masses: Save The Dates
This year, the school will be hosting family Masses at 10:30 in the Holy Family Chapel, and it will be an excellent opportunity for our school community to pray together! Our students will be reading and serving as ushers, and our alumni will return to be Eucharistic ministers. 

  • October 20th: 7th and 8th Grade
  • November 17th: 5th and 6th Grade
  • December 15th: All 4-8th grade (and Bitty Basketball) Winter Athletes will pray together. Winter Athletes will wear their fall sports jerseys!
  • January 19th: 3rd and 4th Grade
  • February 23: 1st and 2nd Grade
  • March 16th: All 4-8th grade Spring Athletes will pray together. Spring Athletes will wear their fall sports jerseys!
  • May 25th: Preschool & Kindergarten


Dr. Erika Mickelburgh

From the School

School Uniform Sale Through October 13th
10% Off Orders up to $99
15% Off Orders $100-$199
20% Off Orders $200+
Promo Code: FALLDAYS24

Fun Fair
Fun Fair will take place Friday, October 25th. A volunteer sign up went out on Monday. Please save the date if you’d like to volunteer. We ask that anyone who signs up to volunteer commits to the shift and time.


Hello Families! 
Box Tops is an easy way to raise money for SPC. Please see this link for a Google Slides presentation that explains how Box Tops works. 
There are 5 quick steps to earning Box Tops:

  1. Download the Box Tops app and choose St. Paul of the Cross School
  2. On the app, find participating products and monthly bonus offers that can help you earn more cash for SPC.
  3. Purchase products at the store and then scan your receipt with the Box Tops app.
  4. Earn 10 cents per product or more if you buy items that are in the monthly bonus.
  5. SPC receives a check twice a year. Last year we raised over $170.00! Let’s reach our goal of $500.00 this year!

Please reach out to me with any questions at [email protected].
Thank you for your participation!

Carrie Jackiewicz
Box Top Chair


Kicks for a Cure Pink Game on Sunday, October 20!!
Download the pdf version here.

Bitty Basketball! Calling all Girls and Boys in Grades KDG-3rd

The season runs January 11th-February 15th.

Registration opens October 2nd. Please click here to download the details and registradtion link.

Bitty Cheerleading! Grades 1st-3rd

The season runs October 7th-December 21st

Registration opens September 30th. Please click here to download the details and registration link.

From the Parish

We have an active and vibrant parish and encourage everyone to read the weekly bulletins for Fr. James’ weekly letter and stay informed about all upcoming events and programs. 

Please click here for the latest bulletin. 
Please click here for Fr. James’ “The Daily” – Daily Mass Readings and Reflections

From the Community

Saint Patrick High School

Regina Open House Flyer Here.

Loyola Academy

Fenwick High School

October 3, 2024

Dear SPC Families,

I am looking forward to seeing you tomorrow evening at our Parent Funtober! We will gather in the Safe Zone for a fun evening of music, community, and beverages. 

Thank you again for making the Fun Run a huge success! Pledge money is still arriving, corporate matching gifts are still coming in, and we have surpassed our goal of $165,000. These funds collected are directed to general operating, which funds all SPC programs and allows us to have robust, comprehensive programs. THANK YOU!

Please remember that we will dismiss at 12:00 next Thursday, and there is no afternoon EDP. Doors will open for conferences at 1:00. There will be no school on Friday. 

Thank you to our Student Council for all the fun activities during Homecoming Week!  Feel free to join us at the football games on Saturday. It promises to be a super fun afternoon filled with SPC school spirit!

JV plays at Taft High school on 10/5 at 2:00 pm
Varsity Plays at Taft High School at 3:30 pm

In this Thursday Mailing:

  • Shorts?
  • Parent Teacher Conferences
  • SAVE THE DATE: First Responder Mass November 5th!
  • 24-25 Family Mass Schedule

The last day students can wear shorts will be Tuesday, October 15th. 

Parent-Teacher Conferences
We use Pick A Time to schedule parent-teacher conferences. Pick A Time will close 10/8 at midnight. You will not be able to schedule conferences after this time.
Conferences will be held:

Thursday, October 10th
All students dismissed at Noon. No afternoon EDP.
In-person conferences from 1:00-8:00 pm.

Friday, October 11th
Asynchronous learning-No school today
Parent Teacher Conferences (Google Meets only) 9:00-3:30

SAVE THE DATE: First Responder Mass-November 5th
We invite all our St Paul of the Cross parents (of students in grades K-8) who are doctors, nurses, police officers, firefighters, paramedics, EMTs, and other emergency professionals to attend this special Mass on November 5th at 10:00 am. We ask that you come in uniform and arrive around 9:40. You will line up in the gym and process in with your children. We hope you can join us in thanksgiving for their service and pray for their safety. Students in grades K-8 will attend the Mass with their first responder parents. We will send an RSVP closer to the date!

2024-2025 Family Masses: Save The Dates
This year, the school will be hosting family Masses at 10:30 in the Holy Family Chapel, and it will be an excellent opportunity for our school community to pray together! Our students will be reading and serving as ushers, and our alumni will return to be Eucharistic ministers. 

  • October 20th: 7th and 8th Grade
  • November 17th: 5th and 6th Grade
  • December 15th: All 4-8th grade (and Bitty Basketball) Winter Athletes will pray together. Winter Athletes will wear their fall sports jerseys!
  • January 19th: 3rd and 4th Grade
  • February 23: 1st and 2nd Grade
  • March 16th: All 4-8th grade Spring Athletes will pray together. Spring Athletes will wear their fall sports jerseys!
  • May 25th: Preschool & Kindergarten


Dr. Erika Mickelburgh

Please RSVP Here.

Our next meeting is tomorrow, Friday, October 4th, at 8 am in Holy Family Chapel. We hope to see you there! If you prefer to join virtually, please use this link to access the meeting:

Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 821 6860 7350
Passcode: qKh5Jy

Fun Fair
Fun Fair will take place Friday, October 25th. A volunteer sign up will go out on Monday. Please save the date if you’d like to volunteer. We ask that anyone who signs up to volunteer commits to the shift and time.


Hello Families! 
Box Tops is an easy way to raise money for SPC. Please see this link for a Google Slides presentation that explains how Box Tops works. 
There are 5 quick steps to earning Box Tops:

  1. Download the Box Tops app and choose St. Paul of the Cross School
  2. On the app, find participating products and monthly bonus offers that can help you earn more cash for SPC.
  3. Purchase products at the store and then scan your receipt with the Box Tops app.
  4. Earn 10 cents per product or more if you buy items that are in the monthly bonus.
  5. SPC receives a check twice a year. Last year we raised over $170.00! Let’s reach our goal of $500.00 this year!

Please reach out to me with any questions at [email protected].
Thank you for your participation!

Carrie Jackiewicz
Box Top Chair


Athletics Newsletter Week of 9-30-24

Bitty Basketball! Calling all Girls and Boys in Grades KDG-3rd

The season runs January 11th-February 15th.

Registration opens October 2nd. Please click here to download the details and registration link.

Bitty Cheerleading! Grades 1st-3rd

The season runs October 7th-December 21st

Registration opens September 30th. Please click here to download the details and registration link.

From the Parish

We have an active and vibrant parish and encourage everyone to read the weekly bulletins for Fr. James’ weekly letter and stay informed about all upcoming events and programs. 

Please click here for the latest bulletin. 
Please click here for Fr. James’ “The Daily” – Daily Mass Readings and Reflections

From the Community

Please visit our Admissions Events page to view all of our upcoming events!

Edison Park Youth Basketball – Girls & Boys Grades 1-8
Edison Park Youth Basketball Registration Information

September 26, 2024

Dear SPC Families,

It was the eve before Fun Run 2024–and we are slowly approaching our goal! We need to reach our goal if I am going in the dunk tank next Friday! The weather looks like it will cooperate. Please see below for a list of reminders for tomorrow. The Fun Run setup will impact morning drop-off procedures; please see below for specific information.

I want to give a special shout-out and thanks to our FABULOUS Co-Chairs, Caitlin Brown, Lauren Nast, and Katie Noonan, for all their hard work!  Thank you to all our sponsors and everyone who donated; the fun run supports operating costs for SPC, which allows us to have robust programs in technology, inclusion, SEL, and much more! I look forward to seeing you all tomorrow for Fun Run 2024!

In this Thursday Mailing:

  • Fun Run-day of information
  • Picture Day-next Thursday
  • Homecoming Week 
  • Parent Funtober
  • Parent Teacher Conferences-coming soon!
  • SAVE THE DATE: First Responder Mass November 5th!
  • 24-25 Family Mass Schedule

Please DO NOT park in the FM Global parking lot or the Ryan Parke Funeral Home Lot. 

  • The main parking lot will be closed at 5:00 am. There will be no parking in the lot for drop-off.
  • Please use Washington for drop-off. DO NOT DROP YOUR CHILD OFF NORTHBOUND ON WASHINGTON; WE DO NOT WANT KIDS CROSSING THE STREET IN BETWEEN TRAFFIC. You may also use Summit and Ridge Terrace for Kiss and Go.  
  • Please do not park in the FM Global Lot at any time during the school day. 
  • Please do not bring dogs to the Fun Run.
  • Be sure to send your student in his/her comfortable bottoms, gym shoes, and a full water bottle!
  • FUN RUN SHIRTS–will be handed out in your child’s classroom tomorrow. Children will change into their shirts in the bathrooms. 
  • Come cheer the students on! Stop by our Spirit Table, sponsored by the Meyers family, to make a sign cheering on your runner! Make a sign, wear your groovy gear, or just come as you are and cheer on the students as they run laps (schedule below).

2024 Fun Run Schedule:

  • Multi-Age Early Childhood: 8:30-8:55 am
  • Kindergarten: 9:10-9:35 am
  • 1st Grade:  9:40-10:05 am
  • 2nd Grade: 10:10-10:35 am
  • 3rd Grade: 10:40-11:05 am
  • 4th Grade: 11:10-11:35 am
  • LUNCH: 11:40 am-12:20 pm
  • 5th & 6th Grade: 12:20-12:45 pm
  • 7th & 8th Grade: 12:50-1:15 pm

Attention Caffeine Enthusiasts
SPC parents don’t have to worry about making a coffee run between races this year! Triple Scoop will sell hot coffee, iced coffee, and water on-site. They are donating 10% of the proceeds to St. Paul of the Cross School!

Please read more from our co-chairs below for details on the school goal!
If you have any questions, please contact our Fun Run chairs at [email protected]. Thank you for supporting St. Paul of the Cross School’s Tiger Fun Run 2024!

Picture Day Thursday, October 3rd
No Uniforms today–come in your picture-day clothes! 

To Order:
1. Go to
2. Enter the SPC school code: 10022801
3. Choose the package and background

Homecoming 2024!
We are hosting our first-ever Homecoming Week next week! Thank you to the Student Council for planning the week!

Feel free to join us at the Homecoming football games on Saturday, October 5th, at Taft High School:
JV plays at 2:00 pm
Varsity Plays at 3:30 pm

Funtober Parent Mingle – Save the Date for Friday, October 4th6:30-8:30
Enjoy a fun evening mingling with other SPC parents in the Safe Zone! See more information below.

Parent-Teacher Conferences
We use Pick A Time to schedule parent-teacher conferences. On 9/30, we will send information on how to log in to Pick A Time. Pick A Time will open on 10/1 at 8:00 am and close on 10/8 at midnight. Conferences will be held:

Thursday, October 10th
All students dismissed at Noon. No afternoon EDP.
In-person conferences from 1:00-8:00 pm.

Friday, October 11th
Asynchronous learning-No school today
Parent Teacher Conferences (Google Meets only) 9:00-3:30

Dr. Caroline Adelman
Dr. Caroline Adelman spoke to our parent community this past Tuesday as part of the open school board meeting. She presented “It’s a Family Affair: Managing Anxiety and Promoting Resilience in the Family System. For those who missed this, you can listen to her most recent podcast that discussed similar material here.

SAVE THE DATE: First Responder Mass-November 5th
We invite all our St Paul of the Cross parents (of students in grades K-8) who are doctors, nurses, police officers, firefighters, paramedics, EMTs, and other emergency professionals to attend this special Mass on November 5th at 10:00 am. We ask that you come in uniform and arrive around 9:40. You will line up in the gym and process in with your children. We hope you can join us in thanksgiving for their service and pray for their safety. Students in grades K-8 will attend the Mass with their first responder parents. We will send an RSVP closer to the date!

2024-2025 Family Masses: Save The Dates
This year, the school will be hosting family Masses at 10:30 in the Holy Family Chapel, and it will be an excellent opportunity for our school community to pray together! Our students will be reading and serving as ushers, and our alumni will return to be Eucharistic ministers. 

  • October 20th: 7th and 8th Grade
  • November 17th: 5th and 6th Grade
  • December 15th: All 4-8th grade (and Bitty Basketball) Winter Athletes will pray together. Winter Athletes will wear their fall sports jerseys!
  • January 19th: 3rd and 4th Grade
  • February 23: 1st and 2nd Grade
  • March 16th: All 4-8th grade Spring Athletes will pray together. Spring Athletes will wear their fall sports jerseys!
  • May 25th: Preschool & Kindergarten


Dr. Erika Mickelburgh

Our 2024 Tiger Fun Run is tomorrow, FRIDAY, September 27th! The weather looks “groovy” for our big event. THANK YOU to all the families and friends that have pledged so generously! Keep those pledges coming! We will accept online pledges all week through midnight on Fun Run Day (Friday night) at

$165,000 Goal!
As Dr. M. mentioned, we need to reach our goal if she’s going in the dunk tank next Friday…we can get there! We have until midnight tomorrow night, to determine the Top 10 Earners and the Highest Earning Classroom. Each Student from the Highest Earning Classroom and the Top 10 Earners will have the opportunity to throw a ball in hopes of dunking our fearless leader, Dr. M!  Keep those pledges coming and practice your aim!

And if we surpass the goal, we’ll have a day off of school on the Monday after the Super Bowl!

Please DO NOT park in the FM Global parking lot or the Ryan Parke Funeral Home Lot. 

  • The main parking lot will be closed at 5:00 am. There will be no parking in the lot for drop-off.
  • Please use Washington for drop-off. DO NOT DROP YOUR CHILD OFF NORTHBOUND ON WASHINGTON; WE DO NOT WANT KIDS CROSSING THE STREET IN BETWEEN TRAFFIC. You may also use Summit and Ridge Terrace for Kiss and Go.  
  • Please do not park in the FM Global Lot at any time during the school day. 
  • Please do not bring dogs to the Fun Run.
  • Be sure to send your student in his/her comfortable bottoms, gym shoes, and a full water bottle!
  • FUN RUN SHIRTS–will be handed out in your child’s classroom tomorrow. Children will change into their shirts in the bathrooms. 
  • Come cheer the students on! Stop by our Spirit Table, sponsored by the Meyers family, to make a sign cheering on your runner! Make a sign, wear your groovy gear, or just come as you are and cheer on the students as they run laps (schedule below).

 Fun Run Schedule – Friday, September 27:

  • Multi-Age Early Childhood: 8:30-8:55 am
  • Kindergarten: 9:10-9:35 am
  • 1st Grade:  9:40-10:05 am
  • 2nd Grade: 10:10-10:35 am
  • 3rd Grade: 10:40-11:05 am
  • 4th Grade: 11:10-11:35 am
  • LUNCH: 11:40 am-12:20 pm
  • 5th & 6th Grade: 12:20-12:45 pm
  • 7th & 8th Grade: 12:50-1:15 pm

Thank you for supporting St. Paul of the Cross School’s Tiger Fun Run 2024!
Katie Noonan, Lauren Nast, and Caitlin Brown
SPC Tiger Fun Run Chairs

Please RSVP Here.

Attention Parents,

Save the date for Fun Fair!! This year, Fun Fair will be on Friday, October 25th. We can’t wait to treat the students to a day filled of fun! A volunteer sign up will go out the first week of October. We will be looking for volunteers to help us make the day a huge success! Please keep this date in mind if you would like to be involved. 
Thank you!


Bitty Basketball! Calling all Girls and Boys in Grades KDG-3rd

The season runs January 11th-February 15th.

Registration opens October 2nd. Please click here to download the details and registration link.

Bitty Cheerleading! Grades 1st-3rd

The season runs October 7th-December 21st

Registration opens September 30th. Please click here to download the details and registration link.

From the Parish

We have an active and vibrant parish and encourage everyone to read the weekly bulletins for Fr. James’ weekly letter and stay informed about all upcoming events and programs. 

Please click here for the latest bulletin. 
Please click here for Fr. James’ “The Daily” – Daily Mass Readings and Reflections

Online registration is now OPEN for the 2024-25 Children’s Choir season! Follow this link to register your child for the upcoming season:

There is also a link to our rehearsal and Mass schedule on the registration page.

The group is coming together, but space is limited. Sign your child up for THE Children’s Choir TODAY!!

For more information, email Ed Eicker at [email protected]

From the Community

Please visit our Admissions Events page to view all of our upcoming events!

Edison Park Youth Basketball – Girls & Boys Grades 1-8
Edison Park Youth Basketball Registration Information

September 19, 2024

Dear SPC Families,

PEACE, LOVE FUN RUN is in full swing, with grade levels earning fun incentives! I am looking forward to next Friday for the Run; please see below for the day’s schedule so you can come and see the runners! Each year, the money raised goes to support our operating budget, which allows us to continually enhance our academic programs such as STEAM, Social-emotional wellness, inclusion, and the arts! Thank you in advance for your generosity. We are already nearing $50,000 and have a week to go! 

Thank you to everyone who came to family Mass this Sunday; it was lovely to pray with all of our fall athletes! 

We have a beautiful new website!  Thank you to Mrs. Ploen for all her efforts in the new design! 

In this Thursday Mailing:

  • Health Reminders
  • Parent Speaker Series: “It’s a Family Affair: Managing Anxiety and Promoting Resilience in the Family System”
  • Parent Funtober
  • Fun Run
  • SAVE THE DATE: First Responder Mass November 5th!
  • 24-25 Family Mass Schedule

Health Reminders:
A reminder that if your child is sick with a fever, they must be fever-free for 24 hours before returning to school. Please do not give your child medicine to reduce the fever and send them to school; when it wears off, they are back in the office feeling crummy. Let’s work together to keep all the kids in the classroom healthy. 

Save the Date! September 24th – Dr. Caroline Adelman
Dr. Caroline Adelman will return to speak to our parent community at 7:30 pm on 9/24 as part of the open school board meeting. She will present “It’s a Family Affair: Managing Anxiety and Promoting Resilience in the Family System. Please RSVP by 9/20.
RSVP Parent Speaker 9/24

Funtober Parent Mingle – Save the Date for Friday, October 4th
Enjoy a fun evening mingling with other SPC parents in the Safe Zone! See more information below.

Fun Run Friday, September 27th
The Tiger Fun Run kick-off has arrived, and we are well on our way to meeting the goal!  Thank you to everyone who has registered and collected pledges! 

If you have not yet registered, please go to and click “Not Registered For This Year’s Event.”

2024 Fun Run Schedule – We hope you can come and cheer on your Tigers!

  • Multi-Age Early Childhood: 8:30-8:55 am
  • Kindergarten: 9:10-9:35 am
  • 1st Grade:  9:40-10:05 am
  • 2nd Grade: 10:10-10:35 am
  • 3rd Grade: 10:40-11:05 am
  • 4th Grade: 11:10-11:35 am
  • LUNCH: 11:40 am-12:20 pm
  • 5th & 6th Grade: 12:20-12:45 pm
  • 7th & 8th Grade: 12:50-1:15 pm

SAVE THE DATE: First Responder Mass-November 5th
We invite all our St Paul of the Cross parents (of students in grades K-8) who are doctors, nurses, police officers, firefighters, paramedics, EMTs, and other emergency professionals to attend this special Mass on November 5th at 10:00 am. We ask that you come in uniform and arrive around 9:40. You will line up in the gym and process in with your children. We hope you can join us in thanksgiving for their service and pray for their safety. Students in grades K-8 will attend the Mass with their first responder parents. We will send an RSVP closer to the date!

2024-2025 Family Masses: Save The Dates
This year, the school will be hosting family Masses at 10:30 in the Holy Family Chapel, and it will be an excellent opportunity for our school community to pray together! Our students will be reading and serving as ushers, and our alumni will return to be Eucharistic ministers. 

  • October 20th: 7th and 8th Grade
  • November 17th: 5th and 6th Grade
  • December 15th: All 4-8th grade (and Bitty Basketball) Winter Athletes will pray together. Winter Athletes will wear their fall sports jerseys!
  • January 19th: 3rd and 4th Grade
  • February 23: 1st and 2nd Grade
  • March 16th: All 4-8th grade Spring Athletes will pray together. Spring Athletes will wear their fall sports jerseys!
  • May 25th: Preschool & Kindergarten


Dr. Erika Mickelburgh

The Tiger Fun Run has arrived, and we are well on our way to meeting the goal!  Thank you to everyone who has registered and collected pledges! We’re 24 hours in and could not be more excited to see our Tigers’ eagerness to reach their goals. We have raised over $50,000!

Classroom incentives are locked in, the Triple Scoop’d Raffle is under way, but there’s one thing missing: THE ANNOUNCEMENT OF OUR SCHOOL WIDE INCENTIVE FOR REACHING OUR FUNDRAISING GOAL!

The Top 10 Earners and Each Student from the Highest Earning Classroom will have the opportunity to throw a ball, in hopes of dunking our fearless leader, Dr. M!  Keep the pledges coming and practice your aim!

If you have not yet registered, please go to and click “Not Registered For This Year’s Event.”

2024 Fun Run Schedule

  • Multi-Age Early Childhood: 8:30-8:55 am
  • Kindergarten: 9:10-9:35 am
  • 1st Grade:  9:40-10:05 am
  • 2nd Grade: 10:10-10:35 am
  • 3rd Grade: 10:40-11:05 am
  • 4th Grade: 11:10-11:35 am
  • LUNCH: 11:40 am-12:20 pm
  • 5th & 6th Grade: 12:20-12:45 pm
  • 7th & 8th Grade: 12:50-1:15 pm

Fun Run Sponsorship Opportunities
Please read through the sponsorship letter here
.  There’s still time to become a Website Sponsor!  The Seventh/Eighth Grade Announcer slot is also still available!

Attention Caffeine Enthusiasts
SPC parents don’t have to worry about making a coffee run between races this year!  Triple Scoop will be on site selling hot coffee, iced coffee, and water.  10% of the proceeds will be donated back to St. Paul of the Cross School!

If you have any questions please feel free to reach out to us at [email protected]. Thank you for supporting St. Paul of the Cross School’s Tiger Fun Run 2024!

Thank you,
Katie Noonan, Lauren Nast, and Caitlin Brown
SPC Tiger Fun Run Chairs

Please RSVP Here.

Out of Uniform Passes Tomorrow, September 20th:
If you missed the sign up for out of uniform passes, you can still purchase them before the next out of uniform day tomorrow, 9/20. Please send a check to school made out to Home and School. Passes are $40 for K-8 and $20 for PK. Checks should be sent in an envelope and given to your child’s teacher.


From the Parish

We have an active and vibrant parish and encourage everyone to read the weekly bulletins for Fr. James’ weekly letter and stay informed about all upcoming events and programs. 

Please click here for the latest bulletin. 
Please click here for Fr. James’ “The Daily” – Daily Mass Readings and Reflections

Online registration is now OPEN for the 2024-25 Children’s Choir season! Follow this link to register your child for the upcoming season:

There is also a link to our rehearsal and Mass schedule on the registration page.

The group is coming together, but space is limited. Sign your child up for THE Children’s Choir TODAY!!

For more information, email Ed Eicker at [email protected]

Are you, or do you know someone who is not Catholic and is interested in exploring the Catholic faith? Or are you an adult Catholic who has not yet completed receiving the Sacraments? We invite you to consider joining the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) program to help you prepare to receive the Sacraments and learn more about Catholicism in an open and welcoming environment.
The RCIA sessions also provide opportunities for you to ask the questions you may have about the Catholic Church. You will be able to learn what the Catholic Church believes, teaches, and proclaims to be revealed by God.

For more information, you can email [email protected]. You can also call the St. Paul of the Cross parish office at (847) 825-7605 and ask about the RCIA program.

From the Community

Please visit our Admissions Events page to view all of our upcoming events!

Edison Park Youth Basketball – Girls & Boys Grades 1-8
Edison Park Youth Basketball Registration Information