March 13, 2025

Dear SPC Families,
HAPPY SPRING WEATHER!  It is wonderful to see the sunshine and have recess outside! I hope you all have a fun-filled St. Patrick’s Day! Students may wear green on Monday (3/17) and red on St Joseph’s Day (3/19) next week!  A reminder that next Friday, there is no school for a faculty professional development day!

CLICK HERE FOR MORE INFORMATION This coming Thursday, 3/20, we will celebrate our very own Mr. S!  What is World Down Syndrome Day? World Down Syndrome Day, celebrated annually on March 21, is a global awareness day officially observed by the United Nations. It is celebrated on the 21st day of the 3rd month of the year and was selected to signify the triplication (trisomy) of the 21st chromosome, which causes Down Syndrome.  

For the past 7 years we have partnered with Teaching Together Chicago to have Mr. S as a valued staff member. Mr. S will share a book about Down Syndrome with students in grades K-3 on Thursday. We would like children to come and wear mismatched socks and donate $1 to Misericordia Home, where Mr. S now resides. Students can turn in the $1 to their classroom teacher. 

Why Mismatched Socks? Some attest that when viewed through a microscope, the chromosomes resemble socks; thus, the concept of socks was a natural fit for Down Syndrome awareness. Others explain that wearing mismatched socks is an easy, diverse approach to promoting the beauty of differences.

This coming Thursday we will welcome Father Victor Ingalls to speak to the students about the Mother of Mercy Parish and what their almsgiving will do for the parish. 

We are partnering with Catholic Extension again this year to provide resources to a mission parish that is in need of support. We are excited to support Mother of Mercy Parish in Mobile, Alabama!  CLICK HERE TO LEARN MORE about the project. Your student will bring home an envelope so that they may collect their donations. Parents, it is important that you do not give the money to the kids!  They can make donations and earn money by helping around the house or giving up a treat in exchange for a donation. Teachers will discuss almsgiving during classes. 

We are looking for SPC parents to come and share their career experiences!  Would you like to be a speaker? CLICK HERE Middle School is a great time for your students to start learning about different careers from the best people possible–YOU!

SAVE THE DATE: May 2, 2025
TIME: 8:15-11:30 AM
Grades 4-8 will spend the morning listening to parents from diverse fields talk about their careers. You will have four sessions from 8:15-11:30 to speak to small groups of students. You may not have to be here the entire morning, depending on the schedule. 


  • 3/17- Happy St Patrick’s Day–students may wear Green!
  • 3/19- Happy St Joseph’s Day -students may wear Red
  • 3/21-No School Faculty Professional Development Day

2024-2025 Family Masses: Save The Dates
This year, we have been hosting Family Masses at 10:30 AM in the Holy Family Chapel. These Family Masses are an excellent opportunity for our school community to pray together! Our students do the readings, serve as ushers, and our alumni return to be Eucharistic Ministers. 

  • March 16th: All 4-8th grade Spring Athletes will pray together. Spring Athletes will wear their spring sports jerseys!
  • May 25th: Preschool & Kindergarten

While the school hosts the above Family Masses, Religious Education hosts Family Masses on the following Sundays at 10:30 AM, and school families are always invited!
May 11

Dr. Erika Mickelburgh

SPC Athletics

Click here to register now!

More SPC Updates

🌸 Spring Clubs Sign Up Time! 🌸
Exciting news—registration for our Spring Clubs opened on March 6! 🎉Our amazing staff has put together a fantastic lineup of fun, engaging, and unique after-school clubs starting the week of March 31. Each club has its own schedule, so be sure to double-check the dates for the ones your child is interested in. Click HERE for the club descriptions. Spots fill up fast, so don’t wait—register early to secure your child’s spot!

Click here to register for the Spring Clubs.

Teens and Anxiety and Durability
Dr. Damour shares her insights on how school pressures, social media, and widespread fears affect teenagers’ mental health. We explore healthy coping strategies, effective parenting techniques, and the importance of shifting perspectives to manage discomfort.

Turning Distress into Durability

The deadline to order a St. Paul of the Cross yearbook is Friday, April 4th. If you are not sure if you have already ordered a yearbook, please contact Mrs. McCallister at [email protected] before ordering. Click here to download the flyer with details.

From the Parish

We have an active and vibrant parish and encourage everyone to read the weekly bulletins for Fr. James’ weekly letter and stay informed about all upcoming events and programs. 

Please click here for the latest bulletin. 
Please click here for Fr. James’ “The Daily” – Daily Mass Readings and Reflections

Friday Night Fish Fry Events

Help support SPC Fish Fry events!

Our SPC Fish Fry events are a highlight of the Lenten season—a time to come together as a parish community, enjoy delicious food, and strengthen our bonds of fellowship. Mark your calendars for Friday, March 21, and Friday, April 11.

These events are only possible with the help of volunteers like you! The SPC Women’s Group partners with the Knights of Columbus for these events. We have many opportunities for you to help make these welcoming and successful events for our parish.

Volunteer: All members of the parish are welcome to volunteer. This is also a great opportunity for students to earn service hours. Volunteer here:

Donate: Help offset the cost of beer, wine and other beverages by donating what you are able. Donate here:

Contribute desserts and/or raffle baskets: Contribute to the dessert table with homemade or store-bought desserts and/or contribute to the raffle by providing a raffle basket (minimum $50 value). Drop off the day of the fish fry or coordinate drop-off on an earlier date. Please email us at [email protected] if you plan to contribute.

 St. Paul Women’s Group Merit Scholarships for Current 8th Grade Female Students Attending ANY Catholic High School in the Fall of 2025 
Deadline: Friday, May 2, 2025 
Please click here to read more.

From the Community

Notre Dame College Prep

March 6, 2025

Dear SPC Families,

On Ash Wednesday, Father James, Mrs Hart, and I always spend some time in the preschool rooms giving out ashes. It is one of my most cherished moments during Lent because I hear what Ashes mean from the younger Tigers. Yesterday did not disappoint! As I sat in Mrs Nelson’s room, I asked them if they knew why we were having ashes put on our foreheads, to which they enthusiastically answered, “It is to show everyone that we are followers of Jesus!”  How do we, as a community, show those in our lives that we are followers of Jesus?  A Homily delivered by Pope Francis in 2017 provides insight into how our personal faith journey during Lent guides us to a greater understanding of God’s love for us so that we can grow as followers of Jesus.  I hope that these words from the Holy Father sustain you in your Lenten journey. 

Similar to Advent, we focus on the Lenten journey as a school. It is important for us to walk in the desert before we rejoice in the risen Christ on Easter morning. This chart provides simple ways Lent can be honored in your home during this time:

This year, we are partnering with Catholic Extension again to provide resources to a mission parish that is in need of support. We are excited to support Mother of Mercy Parish in Mobile, Alabama!  CLICK HERE TO LEARN MORE about the project.  Your student will bring home an envelope so that they may collect their donations. Parents, it is important that you do not give the money to the kids!  They can make donations and earn money by helping around the house or giving up a treat in exchange for a donation. Teachers will discuss almsgiving during classes. 

My goodness, it has been quite a week! I want to take a moment to thank Mr. Joe Haugh and Mr. Ryan Fletcher for their many, many years of making Roundall a beloved tradition!  
It takes many hours of behind-the-scenes logistics to make Roundball happen, not to mention the over 30 basketball games during the week to supervise! We are so grateful for their energy and planning! This year, Mr. Jim Brennan is transitioning to take the lead in the future. Thank you, Ryan, Joe, and Jim, for another great year! We are grateful for your time!

To Ms. Iacopelli, Mrs. Spanos, Mrs. Serafin, Mrs. O’Connor, Mrs. Mitlyng, and Mrs. Fletcher, thank you for the many hours you spent providing healthy and nutritious treats to all the fans! Having some new menu items and a great group of smiling faces behind the counter was fun! TODAY!
March 6th in-person Conferences 1:00-8:00 pm
March 7th -Asynchronous Learning Remote Parent-Teacher Conferences

We are looking for SPC parents to come and share their career experiences!  Would you like to be a speaker?  CLICK HERE Middle School is a great time for your students to start learning about different careers from the best people possible–YOU!

SAVE THE DATE: May 2, 2025
TIME: 8:15-11:30 AM
Grades 4-8 will spend the morning listening to parents from diverse fields talk about their careers. You will have four sessions from 8:15-11:30 to speak to small groups of students. You may not have to be here the entire morning, depending on the schedule. 


  • Roundball March 2-8th
  • 3/9 Daylight Savings Time  (Turn Clocks forward)
  • 3/17- Happy St Patrick’s Day–students may wear Green!
  • 3/19- Happy St Joseph’s Day -students may wear Red
  • 3/21-No School Faculty Professional Development Day

2024-2025 Family Masses: Save The Dates
This year, we have been hosting Family Masses at 10:30 AM in the Holy Family Chapel. These Family Masses are an excellent opportunity for our school community to pray together! Our students do the readings, serve as ushers, and our alumni return to be Eucharistic Ministers. 

  • March 16th: All 4-8th grade Spring Athletes will pray together. Spring Athletes will wear their spring sports jerseys!
  • May 25th: Preschool & Kindergarten

While the school hosts the above Family Masses, Religious Education hosts Family Masses on the following Sundays at 10:30 AM, and school families are always invited!
March 9
May 11

Dr. Erika Mickelburgh

SPC Athletics

Click here to register now!

More SPC Updates

🌸 Spring Clubs Are Almost Here! 🌸
Exciting news—registration for our Spring Clubs opened today, March 6! 🎉Our amazing staff has put together a fantastic lineup of fun, engaging, and unique after-school clubs starting the week of March 31. Each club has its own schedule, so be sure to double-check the dates for the ones your child is interested in. Click HERE for the club descriptions. Spots fill up fast, so don’t wait—register early to secure your child’s spot!

Click here to register for the Spring Clubs.

Teens and Anxiety and Durability
Dr. Damour shares her insights on how school pressures, social media, and widespread fears affect teenagers’ mental health. We explore healthy coping strategies, effective parenting techniques, and the importance of shifting perspectives to manage discomfort.

Turning Distress into Durability

The deadline to order a St. Paul of the Cross yearbook is Friday, April 4th. If you are not sure if you have already ordered a yearbook, please contact Mrs. McCallister at [email protected] before ordering. Click here to download the flyer with details.

From the Parish

We have an active and vibrant parish and encourage everyone to read the weekly bulletins for Fr. James’ weekly letter and stay informed about all upcoming events and programs. 

Please click here for the latest bulletin. 
Please click here for Fr. James’ “The Daily” – Daily Mass Readings and Reflections

Friday Night Fish Fry Events

Help support SPC Fish Fry events!

Our SPC Fish Fry events are a highlight of the Lenten season—a time to come together as a parish community, enjoy delicious food, and strengthen our bonds of fellowship. Mark your calendars for Friday, March 21, and Friday, April 11.

These events are only possible with the help of volunteers like you! The SPC Women’s Group partners with the Knights of Columbus for these events. We have many opportunities for you to help make these welcoming and successful events for our parish.

Volunteer: All members of the parish are welcome to volunteer. This is also a great opportunity for students to earn service hours. Volunteer here:

Donate: Help offset the cost of beer, wine and other beverages by donating what you are able. Donate here:

Contribute desserts and/or raffle baskets: Contribute to the dessert table with homemade or store-bought desserts and/or contribute to the raffle by providing a raffle basket (minimum $50 value). Drop off the day of the fish fry or coordinate drop-off on an earlier date. Please email us at [email protected] if you plan to contribute.

 St. Paul Women’s Group Merit Scholarships for Current 8th Grade Female Students Attending ANY Catholic High School in the Fall of 2025 
Deadline: Friday, May 2, 2025 
Please click here to read more.

From the Community